In BDO, Dibsido makes parking easy and fair

In BDO, Dibsido makes parking easy and fair

In BDO, Dibsido makes parking easy and fair

BDO is one of the largest consulting networks in the world, currently with 1,713 offices in 164 countries. Sharing best practices across all BDO's professional offices around the world enables BDO to deliver the highest quality service. It has been operating on the Czech market for 30 years. With nearly 500 professionals and many years of experience, it is one of the leading consulting companies in the Czech Republic.

What was it like at BDO?

BDO lacked a fair parking booking system. The employee had to rely on being on time and finding the last available parking space. As is usual with these systems, the same people who drive to work early in the morning or don't stand in the morning queues park all the time. Latecomers, on the other hand, have to spend dozens of minutes looking for parking space on adjacent streets.

As Michal Pacovský, the company's CFO, says:

"We lacked a simple booking system that avoided favouring certain users and was therefore fair to all."

The company cars lacked automated administration. The logbook was kept on paper and had to be filled in manually. When a user needed a car, he or she first had to contact the secretariat, where the responsible staff member entered the reservation into a shared Outlook.

Neither resource could be used effectively to make sharing efficient, transparent, fair and simple.

Why Dibsido?

BDO decided to replace the established system mainly for the sake of simplification and clarity.

In the Dibsido, all bookings are made in a few clicks. The app also takes care of standardizing your records and automatically creating a logbook.

As a bonus, employees can share parking spaces fairly. The app will make sure that each employee has the same number of reservations per month. The company has also been able to make more efficient use of assigned spaces when the owner was out of the office.

BDO has managed to completely replace the combination of Outlook calendar and Excel. Reservations in Outlook were made by booking rooms, but only the responsible persons had to make them. Everything was then recorded in Excel spreadsheets. The whole system was administratively demanding and users got lost in the spreadsheets.

How did it turn out?

Positive feedback - BDO employees were immediately satisfied with the Dibsido app and accepted the change positively. They book everything clearly, easily, and in one place from their computer or phone. For the administrator, the app offered simple data analysis that would have been difficult to access before.

The administrator can look into the app and immediately find out what the average occupancy of the parking lot is or who has parked how many times in the last month.

Michal Pacovský also briefly described the introduction of the Dibsido app into the company:

"The application is simple and employees got used to using it almost immediately. Of course, during the system change, some users experienced minor problems, but we solved them immediately."

Information provided by CFO of BDO Czech Republic s.r.o. - Michal Pacovský

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