Your question may have been asked before. We have therefore prepared a summary of the most frequently asked questions.







  • How does the free trial work? Do I need a credit card to try Dibsido?

    You can sign up for a free trial for free, no credit card needed. Before your trial ends, we will notify you to choose a paid plan to continue using Dibsido.

  • Can I combine subscription plans?

    Yes, plans can be combined. For example, you can use a combination of desk and car bookings. Or just parking separately.

  • Can I change the number of users?

    Yes, you can easily add users to your subscription or reduce the number you need.

  • Can I upgrade anytime?

    Absolutely! Upgrade and pay only for the difference between your current and new plan.

  • Where can I get an invoice?

    Your invoice is automatically sent to your mailbox. You can also download it in Settings under Billings.

  • Where is my data stored?

    We only collect basic data about users and all we need is your email to use the app. You can download or delete the data at any time. All data is encrypted and stored on Microsoft servers in Frankfurt (Germany).